Paul Thomson Obtains $21 Million Recovery for Catastrophically Injured Client.The client a German citizen, was catastrophically injured and confined to a bed and wheelchair for the rest of his life as a result of being struck by a bread truck while riding his bicycle in Pulaski County in October 2011. In December 2011, Paul’s client returned home to Germany and is now living in a medical facility that provides assistance to him for all aspects of his daily needs. Unfortunately, his client also lost his ability to communicate. Paul and the attorney who brought him in to assist on the case, are proud to announce that they settled the case for $21 million in July of this year. This money will be used to provide additional physical, occupational and speech therapies that the client needs, but is unable to pay for. This will also provide his family with a specialty van and wheelchair for the client, as well as providing additional medical care and testing that he needs, but could not pay for. This is believed to be one of the largest personal injury settlements ever in Virginia. View The Roanoke Times Article Here>>